These notes are intended to give you the information you need to submit your paper to Microwave Review. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Only papers that contain original and previously unpublished authors’ research results can be submitted. Exceptionally, invited authors can give in their papers an overview of the state of the art in some fields.

IMPORTANT: Ensure the quality of written English to be of a high standard prior to submission.

Papers are accepted for publication on the understanding that

  • they have not been published
  • they have not been in press
  • they are not being considered for publication simultaneously elsewhere (they have been submitted solely to this journal)
  • they are not going to be submitted for publication elsewhere.

All papers are peer-reviewed before publishing.


Paper Format

Publication of any manuscript in Microwave Review requires strict conformance to the paper template. Once the paper is selected, manuscript of the article/paper will be published in the Microwave Review Digital Library.

The paper template can be downloaded from Instruction for Authors.doc.

Manuscripts prepared in both formats (Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF) are requested to be submitted online.

IMPORTANT: Each submission should be accompanied with a suggestion of two or more international reviewers not connected with your previous work. Please, fill-in the name, surname, affiliation and e-mail of each reviewer.


Processing Charges

Publication Fee: 300 EUR

Extra page publishing: 30 EUR

A publication fee for publishing in the Microwave Review will be obligatory for papers that are submitted after 1 August 2024.

  • After the article's acceptance, the corresponding author will be asked to pay an adequate publication fee.
  • The payment method will be notified in the acceptance letter.

Papers will only be published in English.

All papers are referee and the Editor reserves the right to refuse any manuscript, whether on invitation or otherwise, and to make suggestions and/or modifications before publication.


Please feel free to download Instructions for authors if you intend to submit the paper to Microwave Review

Instructions for authors .doc

Instructions for authors .pdf

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